Friday, 16 December 2011


Yesterday things were all good, my lil bro and I had gone out doing some christmas shopping like we used to... then things went from good to bad. I got home, adn got a text from him saying the people that live the floor below him's place was on fire... and tthen the next thing i hear is fire trucks... two of them rushing down the road, i happen to live by the fire department, and my brother lives down the road. I got scared, and sick to my stomach. It was only 3 years ago that a fire destroyed my moms place. Everything gone... thankfully for my brother his place was fine, just smoke damage and minor floor damage. But he is not allowed to return for 4 months. He is so lucky he didnt lose anything and I am so thankful he was out with me, and not at home sleeping like he had planned to. What if he didnt wake up. Its a scary though. It did stress me out a lot though, because i remember the fire at my moms, when i got the call, I was home alone.. and i remember just falling to my knees. Scared me you know.

Just really stressed these days. so much going on, and i keep getting sick. Blarghg Trying to relax as much as I can. Slacking on my videos, because I am spending time with friends, just relaxing instead. They keep me calm.